Rice and Biryani Varieties

Fried Chicken Biryani
Vepudu Kodi Biryani
Fried Chicken Biryani
Raw Mango Biriyani
Raw Mango Biriyani
Soya Chunks Biryani - Meal Maker Biryani
Soya Chunks Biryani
Meal Maker Biryani
Ivy Gourd Biryani - Tindora Biryani
Ivy Gourd Biryani
Tindora Biryani
Ghee Carrot Rice
Ghee Carrot
Tomato Annam - Tomato Rice
Tomato Annam
Tomato Rice
Carom Seed Rice
Carom Seed Rice
Kobbari pulao - Coconut milk pulao
Coconut Milk pulao
Chinese Veg Fried Rice
Chinese Veg Fried
Rusk Biryani
Rusk Biryani
Green Gram Fritters Biryani
Green Gram
Fritters Biryani
Simple Egg Biryani
Simple Egg Biryani
Kottimeera Pulihora - Coriander Rice
Kottimeera Pulihora
Coriander Rice
Mint Pepper Rice
Mint Pepper Rice
Red Kidney Bean Biryani - Rajma Biryani
Red Kidney
Bean Biryani
Rajma Biryani
Paneer Sweet Rice
Paneer Sweet Rice
Red Sorrel Leaves Rice - Gongura Pulihora
Red Sorrel
Leaves Rice
Gongura Pulihora
Pesara Pappu Pulagam
Pesara Pappu
Gooseberry Rice - Usirikaya Pulihora
Gooseberry Rice
Usirikaya Pulihora
Potato Spinach Fried Rice
Potato Spinach
Fried Rice
Bullseye Pulao - Roasted Egg pulao
Bullseye Pulao
Roasted Egg pulao
Fried Bread Biryani
Fried Bread Biryani
Methi Masoor Dal Khichidi
Methi Masoor
Dal Khichidi
Vegetable Gongura Rice - Red Sorrel Leaves Rice
Gongura Rice
Red Sorrel Leaves
Pulihora-Imli Rice-Tamarind Rice
Pulihora-Imli Rice
Tamarind Rice
Rajma Coconut Rice
Rajma Coconut Rice
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